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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

midday thoughts

XTXI is correcting from its mammoth run-up down 2.60 at this time. Would like to see a drop to 56 and change for a potential trading bounce. Nice 1 point gain for MWE...otherwise its fractional plusses and minuses today. BPL ran up at the open but has pulled back...still up a fraction.

No additional news breaking this morning. Energy complex mostly higher.



Hi, Joe. Hope you had a nice vacation.I'm flying out to NY Friday to visit my daughters and other assorted members of my family.My daughter Carolyn has a house right on the (very modest!) beach at Highlands,NJ so I'll take some R&R, catch some rays, etc., Will bring my laptop to stay connected. BTW, what d'you think a possible entry point would be for XTEX now that it's come down a bit?

joewxman said...

In uptrends with these OTC MLPS they tend to correct to the 34 day mvg avg and they do it it fast. I layed an order at 42.41 and got a partial execution this afternoon. I also had an order at 41.60 which did not get filled.

These are moving targets. I just wish there would be a nice one or two day hard sell off in the group