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Friday, September 12, 2008

I don't want to read too much into this because it could be nothing more than an up open for more sellers to just sell into. But Linn Energy is seeing bids about 30 cents above its close yesterday at 18.18. Someone also paid up a dollar for 100 shares of Kinder Morgan at 1 dollar above the close yesterday. Again it may mean nothing.

We are entitled to a substantial dead cat bounce in here. Forget a rally for a moment. If we don't see signs of stablizinng in here today then as bad as things have been....they are about to get far worse.


Anonymous said...

Another dynamic here is that yield investors are scared s***less.

People holding Lehman bonds, Merrill bonds, AIG bonds, WM bonds, C bonds, and WB bonds are seriously worried that their investments are at grave risk.
Preferred investors in these issues are even more frightened.

Lehman + WM need to be resolved, + pressure needs to be taken of the remaining financials for MLPs to have a sustained rally imho.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what the real value of LEH is. Last week it was worth $16.00 a share.

Now the shorts have pushed it below $4.00.

I'd think that DICK FULD would be lucky to get $6.00 a share now.

I wonder if he got offers for $15.00 or $16.00 last week and rejected them.