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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Getting close to the open with futures off the lows. I think the market is so prime for a big bounce but there needs to be something to get it going. Maybe Bernake will say something important.

Energy Transfer (ETP) working through their secondary in the premarket with the stock at 39.50.


Anonymous said...

We are in fear and panic mode right now. Things are very bad in the "financial economy" and that is forcing levered players to liquidate.

My feeling is that with most MLP's approaching 10% yields, more like 12+% on E&P's that averaging down on a few things is prudent and thats what I am doing. No need to rush in, but a nibble here and there will be rewarded over time.

But I have been wrong for six months.

Anonymous said...

If I could add a few comments. Several MLP's have announced distribution and revenue guidance: ETP, PAA and QELP so far. There was NOTHING in the guidance which shows a fundamental deterioration in the business. Try and ignore the market noise and focus on the specifics of our sector.

Anonymous said...

I added to my ETP position today at $39+. A compelling long-term value in my opinion.

Bruce Sherman
Oakland, Oregon