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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sorry for the lack of posts today but with that Dante's inferno reference i've been in computer hell dealing with a complete meltdown followed by some time in Microsoft hell. I had to reformat my hard drive and build everything from scratch.

Saw a post about requiring registration and getting annoyed with negative posts. It's not the negative posts. You can be as negative as you want. But its time we all know each other. If you need to hide behind anonimity...then i guess you can't speak your mind here. If you are going to talk your game..please do. We should be able to have an id to relate to.

MLPS closed down 2 points after being down nearly 8. Dow went from down 175 to plus 151 at the close. Another wild day. That 8000 level keeps holding. Now lets see followthrough tomorrow.

1 comment:

mlpguy said...

First off, thanks for the site. Very informative and helpful.

As a manager of this asset class for going on 15 years, perhaps I could add a bit of perspective. I feel this will ultimately prove to have been the MLP buying opportuntiy of a lifetime. The last time I remember seeing valuations even approaching this level was during the internet bubble.

I believe Benjamin Graham once said, "The market is a short term election and a long term scale".

Ultimately MLP's will show little corellation with the overall market and economy. The economy may do horribly the next few years while MLP's post good numbers. Please remember that eventually you will be rewarded based on earnings and that the numbers overall are still quite good.

Put simply, If you stick with the simple MLP's within the group then the asset class should be good for a very tax efficient 15% over time. However, If you choose to trade MLP's, you may be punished by randomness.