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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Mark Rubio wins Florida which is another tea party win and the republicans pick up another seat. Blumenthal the democrat wins in Connecticut and Chris Coons wins in Delaware. No surprises here as the last 2 were held by democrats.


Max said...

I'm in mourning. Mr. Excitement, Harry Reed, and Miss Congeniality, Barbara Boxer, were both re-elected. Jerry Brown I can live with.

JT said...

Why is everyone angry at Obama? The stock has done great over the last two years. Best two investing years of my life. What the hell is wrong with people?

Max said...


Obama is running us down the path of European style socialism. If you want to see our future, look at what has happened in France the last couple of weeks. Obama is orchestrating the biggest redistribution of wealth in U.S. history. As Margaret Thatcher famously said: "Socialism is a lot fun until you run out of other people's money to spend".

JT said...

Everyone picks on France to show that "Socialism" is bad. What about Germany, Sweden, Denmark? These countries have far larger social safety nets than we do and have suffered far less through this downturn. Housing prices are up in Sweden. It depends on how you spend the money, not how much money you spend.