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Friday, March 13, 2009

I've haven't been posting insider trades lately because we had a whole slew of them last year and frankly if you had sold on those insider buys you might have saved yourself a lot of money. But i have noticed lately some insider buying going on over a number of mlps. Maybe this time around they will be right if market conditions improve.

We had a nearly 3 point gain on the index earlier which then went to a nearly 3 point loss and now we are just off fractionally. Looks like the market is consolidating the gains of the last few days which is a good thing. We're shooting for 4 up days in a row in the dow s&p and nasdaq and that has not happened since...are you ready for this...December of 2007! 15 months!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I noticed it too. I am surprised though that Breitburn and Atlas have not.