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Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Why not. We finished off the lows of the day yesterday and MLPS actually managed to cut their losses to 3 points and some change. So this morning we are starting on a rally with the dow futures up 75 points. Crude is also up 1.50 as of this post. So lets hope that yesterday was a one day correction and that the rally phase that began 2 weeks ago will resume today.

No corporate developements this morning and no upgrades or downgrades so far. I have an early day heading out to a job (whoppee!!) so i shall post later today when i get the opportunity.

1 comment:

SHK said...

This morning XTEX advises that there will be a special shareholder meeting to approve a proposal to reprice incentive options for employees and management. What a great way to take care of your own.

By the way, where do I go to get a lower basis in my shares?
