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Monday, October 24, 2011

Its a wonderful feeling being on the other side of the biggest rally the market has seen since the bear market bottom. Up 1500 points in pretty much a straight line. Kind of figures that on Oct 3 2008 the S&P closed at 1099 and then proceeded to drop to 899 in 10 days. This time the reverse has occured as the S&P has rallied from 1080 to 1250. It feels like someone has their arm down your throat and into your stomach and then proceeds to pull it upward to drag it outside your mouth. The pain is too much for me. I could not have been more wrong.

MLPS continue their march higher for the 11th consecutive day up over 3 points. Sunoco Logistics (SXL) is one buy away from 100 up 2.45 and the days biggest winner in the group. Dow up just shy of 100 points on the dream that Europe will solve their problems.

I need a vacation.

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