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Monday, September 29, 2008

In case you missed it here is Nancy Pelosi's speech on the house floor that pissed off the republicans.

Could we please please please get some adults in the room? And maybe there was more to Pelosi's speech than meets the eye.


snv61 said...

Did anyone for one second think that the congress would do the right thing for the American Taxpayer when throughout it history it has done nothing but? Their failure to act in the very best interest of our nation must make us call into question their motives if not their sanity. These pompous windbags that said they were merely voting the way their constituents wanted them to vote are the cowards. Did they ask their constituents how to vote when they voted on spending over 800 billion of our tax money on a war that has gone nowhere? No one wants to see 700 billion dollars of taxpayer money go to bail out the so called free market, however the free market, as Adam Smith wrote of it” doesn’t exist in this country and never did. Throughout our history those who have hesitated to inject a little “socialism” into the veins of our failing markets to keep people working have caused their constituents enormous harm, just ask the Greatest Generation about that. I only hope that I am wrong, but if I am not those in congress who voted the way their constituents wanted them too will have no problem discussing their next vote when they meet them on soon to be formed soup lines.

Anonymous said...


I for one did, I expected that in an emergency politicans should become statesmen.

The world was watching our Congress, imho our Congress failed the world.

Shame on us.

The only good that can come from this is to realize that the ultimate "Moral Hazard" is to elect these craven idiots to office.



snv61 said...

the only time these craven idiots become statesmen is when they vote our children off to war!!!

Anonymous said...

Will go down as a sad day in American history. I'm puzzled why people think it's 700 billion that goes into the hands of only the rich and just wall street. That the money will be just gone; with no return. Wonder where unemployment will be in a few months? Wonder if Ford and GM will belly up. How many banks and small businesses vanish. How many bright kids now will never get student loans and not get degrees. I could go on but....To close please tell me what our leaders are thinking? Are their constituents so stupid they couldn't understand so just go along to be re-elected at the cost of our economy.

snv61 said...

Our founding fathers have been proven right by what has taken place today. They never believed in the ability of the average person to chose through their votes the right people to run the country. thats why we have an electoral college. to answer what our illustrious leaders are thinking: well nothing.

Anonymous said...


Our founding fathers were Statesmen when it counted.

George Washington was the first person to serve as President of the Society of the Cincinnati whose motto was:

Omnia relinquit servare rempublicam

("He relinquished everything to save the Republic").

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus was perhaps the first person in history to reliquish power volentarily after saving Rome.

Perhaps that's why George Washington set his own 2 term limit.

His farewell address warned against partisanship, sectionalism, and getting involved in foreign wars.

Maybe Washington's farewell address should be required reading for all partisan members of congress.


Anonymous said...

Joe, for a laugh, check out this link to a New York Times editorial
on why the bailout vote failed.
They blamed the Republicans, but the bill might have passed if 12 of the democrats who voted no voted aye.

I blame Bush for a lot of the problems we face, but being a person of a generous nature... I spread the blame on many members of both parties. The NYT doesn't seem to have that same generous nature.
The real reason for our fiscal problems are simple... there was a political compromise between the political parties.

Instead of making hard choices,
each party gets their priorities and we send the bill to our children.

As to our economic problems, members of congress confused their own interest ( campaign contributions ) with the national interest ( effective regulation against systemic risk ).



Anonymous said...

"I blame Bush for a lot of the problems we face"

~ certainly, without doubt

joewxman said...

Of course the times would blame the republicans and not the 90 plus democrats who voted against it. This is because the times (all the new that's fit to tint...or should i say taint!) has give democrats the moral equivalent of goodness...republicans symbolize all that is evil and are responsible for everything including the flu. This is our world today.

Whoever or where ever the fault lies here this was not the time to play games. Nancy Pelosi should be ashamed. She needed only say that it was time for the house to rise above politics and do the right thing. Apparently i was hoping for the impossible.

I had switched my support to Obama after the McCain stunt last i'm on the fence again.

snv61 said...

An eel in the fundamental mud upon which the superstructure of organized society is reared. When we wriggles [sic] he mistakes the agitation of his tail for the trembling of the edifice. As compared with the statesman, he suffers the disadvantage of being alive.

To seek another's disapproval of a course already decided on.

A body of men, and lets not forget women, who meet to repeal laws.

Anonymous said...

And lets not forget:
Purchasing the barrel of whiskey that you do not need for the price of the cow that you cannot afford.

Anonymous said...


Ambrose Bierce lives!.... well at least nobody has ever found proof of his death.